La la, la lala. Monday commute to work today,
I took a slightly different route to the shop, got to bomb the downhill on Windsor Mill Road for my efforts. Just prior to that I spotted yet another church (I actually saw several, but my backpack makes getting the camera in and out of the jersey pocket a pain in the butt, I am going to have to work on that).

Then it was a typical day at work, lots of getting ready for the 4th of July weekend, and some suprise shows for later this week (way to plan ahead). But then 6:00PM rolled around and
I headed out for home. Mostly a quiet ride down the Gwynns Falls Trail, had a kid throw a rock at me :). Other than that fairly uneventful. Down by M & T Bank Stadium I spotted a group of guys on BMX bikes stunting in an empty parking lot.

I cut through the stadium complex over to Pratt Street, at Pratt & Howard I was entertained by this guy playing the Banjo & Kazoo, and a little singing.

A little further along I came across this group of women on a wide variety of bikes.

I caught up and joined their group for a couple of blocks, found out they were headed for a ride up and back down the Jones Falls Trail. The leader was a gal I have run into before, she is a former pro mountain bike racer who has returned to B'more. She has this killer cargo bike that her two kids ride in. I have only run into her commuting, and the backpack has thwarted all efforts to catch her with the camera, but her bike looks like this.

Last time was the day I got poured on, she about dropped me when the light we were waiting at changed, with her kids in the cargo bucket. At any rate, they looked to be having a good time on their ride, so we parted ways and I headed home for dinner.
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