It must be marching band season, I was digging on the silver go-go boots. I continued on out to Fort McHenry, which is still closed to bicycles, this visitors center had better be spectacular. On the way back towards the Inner Harbor I spotted a cruise ship in at the terminal.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
A nice fall Saturday today, so Kathleen went out to run some errands, and I went out for a ride. I went out around the Inner Harbor where I spotted this.
It must be marching band season, I was digging on the silver go-go boots. I continued on out to Fort McHenry, which is still closed to bicycles, this visitors center had better be spectacular. On the way back towards the Inner Harbor I spotted a cruise ship in at the terminal.
I went back up Light Street, then up Calvert Street where I saw this.
I have seen that wall before but apparently somebody thought it was a random act of kindness to cover it up. I actually really liked the old mural. Across the street was this mural, which also appears to be new.
I went up into Charles Village then out to Lake Montebello. It was pretty quiet at the lake, but the trees are doing their fall thing.

After that I pedalled my way home for a shower and a soda.
It must be marching band season, I was digging on the silver go-go boots. I continued on out to Fort McHenry, which is still closed to bicycles, this visitors center had better be spectacular. On the way back towards the Inner Harbor I spotted a cruise ship in at the terminal.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
It was Ravens game day today, so a good time to be out for a ride, while the bulk of Baltimore is glued to the TV. Kathleen and I went out into some new areas of the city, I had been to some before, but some were new to us both. We rode through one neighborhood on the otherside of Erdman lane, it was a series of dead ends, but at one of them was this cute little church on the edge of Herring Run Park.
From there we rode around to where the bike path starts in Herring Run Park and rode through the forest towards Lake Montebello (not my best picture here, the path is kind of bumpy)
This was shot over my shoulder as Kathleen followed me up the path that leads over to the lake.
Lake Montebello was very nice today, no real wind, sunny, and warm (mid 70's) for late October.

After a quick lap of the lake we rode another leg of the bike path into Morgan State University, I hadn't been there either, interesting campus, kind of a mix of old and new. At that point we turned back towards home, here is Kathleen blowing by me after I waited for her.
A little further down the road I noticed this radar speed deal actually registered us on the bikes, so after 2 tries I got this.
Riding back through Clifton Park I saw this bandshell, I have never noticed it before even though I have ridden through here a bunch of times, although usually from the other direction.
In Clifton Park is the Clifton Lake Campus (High School).
Kathleen had read about a program there where they are growing real vegetables and the product of their efforts is used in the school system cafeterias. Here is their farming operation.
The kids have named it Hoop Village, and they are growing lots of stuff.
They even have sunflowers and a beehive going.
After checking out the farming operation, we continued on towards home. A little further down from the school in the park there was a football game going on as the sun started to set.
We rode back down Chester Street, and across from the Northeastern Market we saw this groovy mural on the side of what I am assuming is the optometrist's office.
And a few blocks from the house, another on the side of a rowhouse.
Down the street to the house, and BOP pizza for dinner.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Fall Saturday
It was a gorgeous day out today, so Kathleen and I went out for a ride. We rode down through the Inner Harbor (which was packed) and up the Gwynns Falls Trail. The original thought was to go leaf peeping (who came up with that name), but it is probably about a week to early, the trees are just starting to turn. It was nice anyhow, here is a shot from one of the bridges on the trail.
We rode out to Leon Day park on the trail, where we spotted this.
It turns out it is the New Edition Marching Band and they were rehearsing or something in the neighborhood, then they marched right down to the park where we were enjoying some sport beans. Here they are rocking the neighborhood.
After that we headed for the homestead and out to dinner.
After that we headed for the homestead and out to dinner.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Today was a milestone ride for this year. It was about 51 degrees out when I rolled out, and today was the first time I have worn my insulated tights this year. Not quite shoe cover and head cover weather, but it probably won't be long now. I rode through Patterson Park, and caught Baltimore waking up.
Then it was back to the house to get ready for work. On the update front, they had a photo service at the Tour Du Port, and they actually got a couple of good shots. Here is Kathleen and I at the registration area.
And here I am at North Point State Park in action. I feel that this makes me look less dorky than my mental picture of me on my bike.
They got one of Kathleen in action there as well, but it was rejected due to a funny facial expression.

Sunday, October 17, 2010
No Particular Place To Go
Today was a gorgeous day, low 70's and breezy, quite a contrast to yesterday. I wanted to get out for a ride, but didn't have any plan on where to go or what to see, so I just went. I rode down through the Inner Harbor and out to Fort McHenry (still closed to bikes), then back through Tide Point, home of Domino's Sugar and Under Armor. On the road there I spotted a remnant of yesterday's marathon.
Kathleen says there was another one of these up at Lake Montebello. After that I dilly-dallied my way up Key Highway, and rode through the Otterbien neighborhood, then across Russell Street. On the other side of Russell Street I came across a couple of kids on BMX bikes, they wanted to race, so we had a little race up the block, I of course whipped them, but I am not letting that go to my head since they were only 7 or 8 years old. I continued on out to the B & O Railroad Museum which has this cool mural on the backside of the complex.
I went up the short steep hill that leads to the museum, only to run into a jersey wall barricade. After navigating my way around that I asked some guys that were hanging around what was going on. Apparently they occasionally take out the steam engines, and today was one of those days (hence the jersey walls blocking the tracks). I hung around for a bit and this appeared on the tracks.

Definitely don't see that every day. It's one of the many things that I like about riding around the city, there is always something interesting going on. After enjoying some vintage steam powered train action, it was time to head for the homestead for dinner.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Baltimore Marathon
Today was the Baltimore Marathon and Kathleen was running the Half Marathon, so I went out for a ride around the course to get some pictures of her in action. The start was up Calvert and onto Fayette Street, which is where I was waiting to get her at the start. On the way there I enjoyed some of Baltimore's bicycle friendliness in the bus/bike lane.
And then took this picture, I kind of like it, but I have no idea how it happened.
The half marathon started, and the leaders came around the bend with a pro rider from Kelly Benefit Strategies Cycling as an escort (he was totally checking me out here).
A few minutes later Kathleen came around the bend, I had told her which side I would be on so she made sure to get my attention.
I scooted ahead and caught Kathleen running up Pratt Street and right by our house, we are just down Collington about 4 houses from this corner.
I cut through the park to Patterson Park Avenue and there was a big crowd there cheering the runners on. This is where the half marathon and the full marathon courses come together.
I liked this guy's sign, it says "Cory & Nick run like you stole something"
Shortly after my arrival Kathleen came through.
And gave me a victory salute.
On my way up Washington Street I spotted this groovy headgear hanging from this gal's handlebars.
It's a crab, of course, we are in Baltimore hon. At some point while waiting for Kathleen at Washington and Madison I took this fabulous shot of my shoe, these are the new Scattante shoes I got this summer, carbon fiber sole and all, not to mention my nice and comfy wool cycling socks (it was 55 degrees and 20 mph wind when I left the house at 9:20, substantially colder when Kathleen left at 6:30 to meet up with her Back On My Feet group. They had several of the guys from the mission running in the various races.)
Somehow I missed her at this corner, I forgot to look at the clock on my computer when she went by, I know she runs at about a 9:30 pace so I can usually time my arrivals to catch her. Once I decided I had missed her, I shortcutted the circuit by a couple of miles to get ahead of her again. They ran up and around Lake Montebello and I cut over to 33rd street. While I waited there I spotted this guy sporting the same headgear that the lady's handlebar had.
A few minutes later Kathleen came by.
I like this picture, Kathleen smiling, and the guy next to her utterly suffering.
On my way up 33rd Street (they had the opposing side of the street shut down for the most part) I caught these guys serenading the runners as they came by, Kathleen runs by at about halfway through.
I scooted ahead again and caught her coming down Howard street at 25th Avenue, just a little past mile 10 for the Half Marathon Course.
After this I took off for the finish line down at Camden Yards, the course goes right through the baseball stadium on what used to be Eutaw Street, and finishes between Camden Yards and M & T Bank Stadium where the Ravens play, getting down to the stadiums it was totally chaotic, there were 10,000 half marathon runners, and who knows how many full marathon runners, so there were a ton of family and friends down there cheering their runners home. On my way to the actual finishing area I spotted these three, I am not sure what the ears are about.
I got a spot just before the finish line, so I resorted to the holding the camera over my head and shooting blind, but not too bad as she sprinted to the finish.

It was total chaos down near the finish line/vendor village, and since I was in my carbon soled, plastic cleated (read nearly tractionless) I decided to head for home and get a shower in. Kathleen just got in, she stayed to cheer in the rest of her group. I imagine that after that run, the rest of the day will be a vegging out kind of a day.
I scooted ahead again and caught her coming down Howard street at 25th Avenue, just a little past mile 10 for the Half Marathon Course.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
"A Little Further Than Yesterday"
Another gorgeous fall day, so Kathleen and I went out for a ride. During the course of the discussion on where to go Kathleen said "a little further than yesterday". We decided to ride out to Essex and visit Rocky Point Park. But first, a swing through Patterson Park, where this was spotted.
Then out Eastern Avenue over the bridge to a little park in Essex, the bridge in the distance is where we came from.
Further along we passed over another inlet, that is the first little park on the other side of the water.
At one of the many dead ends we rode down today, there was a little pond in the marshes.
Next stop was Historic Essex Skypark (the sign said so). Some of the items at the airport were definitely historic.
And a collapsed hangar, nothing but the doors left.
Eventually we reached Rocky Point Golf Course, nice views of the Chesapeake from here.
But we still hadn't found the park so back we went, only to see a huge sign that we somehow missed on the way in saying the park is this way. So we set off, and again managed to miss our turn, but we did see this in somebody's front yard.
After realizing that we had missed our turn we doubled back (again) and headed towards what was presumably the park. On the road to the park we saw this mailbox, I think that the owner is a small engine/lawn tractor repair guy.
Finally we reached the park proper, and the beach was very nice.
We rode all the way out to the point and it was very scenic, somewhere in the distance of this picture is North Point Park.
And the other side was equally scenic.
At this point it was about 5:00PM so it was time to high tail it back to the homestead, but first a stop at the purple porta-potty.
This is one of my famous "no-look" action shots, apparently Kathleen could see me lining it up and gave the "hang-loose" sign.
From there it was pedal back to the house to get cleaned up and grill steaks (from this morning's farmers market expedition) up on the deck while the sun was setting behind the downtown skyline.
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