Saturday, August 14, 2010
It's Saturday and I'm Free!
Today was a good day, last night a front blew through and took the heat and humidity with it, and today I had no commitments, so I took off for a ride. I rode up the The Alameda here in Baltimore, which is a series of rolling hills, and then across on Ruxton & Old Court Roads. Here is what most of Old Court looks like, fairly calm lots of hills including one just after this that kicked my butt (I had to stop halfway up and let my heart rate drop).
But onwards I pressed, I originally was thinking that I would go further out Old Court before looping back, but I started a little later than I had planned, so I turned back towards home at Reisterstown Road. Just after I turned down that I saw this.
Very utilitarian use of a mountain bike, it would have been even more awesome (dangerous?) if he was actually riding the bike carrying the 20' long ladder. I was feeling like a little sugar would be a good idea, so I stopped at two different gas stations to get a Coke, but both of them only sold Pepsi. Eventually I got down to Liberty Heights Road and stopped at the 7-11 there and got a Coke.
Then I continued on towards home, through Druid Lake Park, where the Stone Soul Picnic was going on, it's put on by a local radio station. I didn't really see an interesting picture so I rolled on through. I took the Jones Falls Bike Path down to Falls Road on the other side of the Park. The landscaping is all in bloom now, I really like these flowers, I believe they are Black-Eyed Susans. You can see the bike path railing in the foreground and again just above the flowers, it switchbacks it's way down from Stieff Silver to Falls Road.
A little further down Falls Road I passed the Baltimore Streetcar Museum, and they were out repairing the overhead lines, I am assuming they were damaged in the storms from the past couple of nights.
A little further along I crossed Charles Street, and they had strung these paper lanterns across the road there. This is the Charles Theater's block (It's on the right in this picture), the area is called the Station North Arts & Entertainment district, lots of live/work spaces for artists, and the Charles Theater has been renovated into a multi screen theater, and they show lots of indy type films there.
Just down the street is Penn Station, and out in front is this sculpture.
It's called Male/Female, and at night the cone thing in the center has a light behind it and fades between purple and green. Some people like it, some hate it, I am ambivalent. After that I headed on home, and proved my shortening of the route as a good idea, just as I was coming up Eastern Ave my knee started bothering me, I have managed to twist it sometime in the last week, and it was letting me know that it had had enough.
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