As a consequence, up the drawbridge went, and under he went, you can see the top of his mast on the left of the bridge.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Down to Sparrows Point
Another beautiful fall day, temps in the low 80's and low humidity. Kathleen went with her mother to Hampden to window shop, and I scooted out for a ride. I went out Eastern Avenue (more on that later), and then out towards North Point (inadvertently). As I was riding along this caught my eye.
I have never seen purple plastic lawn flamingos before this, I am almost tempted to buy one, I think that there was a Ravens stuff shop in there somewhere. I went a little further out and ended up a Sparrows Point steel mill. The Russian (Servestal) company that currently owns it is trying to sell it, they are shuttering the plant right now, but they haven't shut down the blast furnace yet. Kind of weird, they just bought the plant a couple of years ago, and ramped up production at that time.
I rode out to the end of the plant where the shipyard used to be (they don't build ships there anymore) which ended up being a couple of miles down the road, the whole way covered by the factory. At the end of the road I shot this picture of the Key Bridge, probably built with steel from Sparrows Point.
Next up on the agenda was a snack, today it is the cherry flavored "extreme" sport beans, delicous and a little dose of caffeine to help the cause.
On my way back towards Fells Point I rode in on the Penisula expressway, and about halfway along there is a drawbridge. As I approached, the light turned red, and in the water was this guy.

As a consequence, up the drawbridge went, and under he went, you can see the top of his mast on the left of the bridge.
After he passed through, down the bridge came, and off I went.
Riding back through Dundalk I spotted this, football season is definitely in full swing here in Baltimore.
I rode back in on Easter Avenue, and in Highlandtown the road was closed for the unveiling of the statue of Frank Zappa, who was born here in Baltimore. They had a concert by Dweezil Zappa, and speeches by all of the local dignitaries. No word if they launched into a acappella version of "Catholic Girls" but I am sure the Baltimore Sun will have lots of info tomorrow in the paper. At some point soon I will have to ride by and see it.
Then back to the house for a shower, then a trip to the Brewers Art for dinner.
As a consequence, up the drawbridge went, and under he went, you can see the top of his mast on the left of the bridge.
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