It was a nice morning this morning, after a day of pounding rain yesterday, so I went out for a ride this morning. I rode down Lombard towards downtown, then up Charles Street. I woke up with this song stuck in my head, I found myself singing the chorus to myself.
I suppose an explanation is in order here. A couple of weeks ago I started a Pandora radio station with Katy Perry as the starting artist. It picks out related music and you can tailor it as it goes along by clicking the thumbs up or down on them. Theoretically it learns what you like and adds new stuff as it goes. Since I had started with a pop artist, it has been throwing lots of pop at me, and when I am listening at work I'm not really paying attention so I check thumbs up on alot of stuff. This happens to be one of those tunes, and that chorus is darn catchy. So I imagine I must have heard it right towards the end of the day yesterday, and here it is this morning still there. At any rate I continued on, with a little side detour to climb this hill between Calvert & St Paul Streets. Now I know it doesn't look like much, but the Garmin says 10% so reasonably steep. I successfully scaled it, and continued on up Calvert. I looped around on 25th street, cut across on Sinclair to Patterson Park back towards the house. As I came down Patterson Park I spotted this building being dismantled. I had driven by this about a week ago, and it appeared to have collapsed at that point. Alot of the rowhouses here in Baltimore were built on compacted dirt instead of traditional concrete footer (ours is) so if you don't maintain the foundation they can collapse. A lot collapses are from digging out the basement to make it deeper, and the contractors undermine the foundation in the process. At any rate, it is being reduced to rubble now. I realized as I stopped to take the picture that I was still humming the April Lavigne song to myself, and decided that had to stop. So the next thing that popped in to replace it was this.
Ahhh, the 80's return in a cover. Then it was back down Patterson Park to the house to get ready for work. No rides this weekend, I am off to Boston for three days for a gig.
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